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Closing arguments set to continue in trial for ‘Freedom Convoy’ organizers

The Crown is expected to continue its closing arguments today in the trial for “Freedom Convoy” organizers Tamara Lich and Chris Barber.

The two are on trial for their roles in launching the demonstrations that seized downtown Ottawa for nearly three weeks in early 2022.

Lich and Barber are charged with mischief, intimidation and counselling others to break the law, and Barber is also accused of counselling others to disobey a court order.

The Crown has argued they “crossed the line” into criminal activity during the protests, which saw thousands of people and big-rig trucks gather in the capital and refuse to leave.

The demonstrators, who stood opposed to pandemic restrictions and the federal government, were eventually cleared from the streets in a massive police operation.

The Crown is also arguing that evidence against one of the accused should be used against both of them because their actions were co-ordinated.
